Have been watching the American series Ugly Betty for the past several days and now am finishing the first season, being in the 12th episode of the 2nd season. I think I was so addicted to Ugly Betty that I forgot what I plan to do during my summer break. It's time to quit it. I know I can make it.
Apart from the quitting thing, I do think Ugly Betty is worth watching. A story about Betty, who is far from attractive a girl working for a fashion magazine, she is honest, sincere, enthusiastic, courageous, considerate, nice, loyal, and diligent for everything. This is a story about love, love about family members, friends, romance, and even the relationship in the working environment. It's also a story about hope, faith, and determoination. Don't assume Ugly Betty is a serious TV series because of those serious themes I mentioned, it's quite funny as well. I do like watching Ugly Betty for the past few days. In some way, I seem to see some commonalities between me and Betty. I, too, far from attractive and always lack confidence for myself, am actually diligent and nice, trying to be courageous and determined toward everything I make up my mind for. I think to some extent I was really inspired and encouraged and touched by Ugly Betty. Betty teaches me to stick to whatever I believe is correct and worthwhile, reminding me of having faith and being gratitude. Yes I know these are kind of cliche, yet they are really inspiring whenever you refresh yourself with these spirits.
I have to admit, though, watching Ugly Betty takes me so much time that I cannot do anything I plan for my summer break beforehand. So now it's time fore me to quit Ugly Betty. I appreciate everything Ugly Betty taught me, including those funny laughters and time I had when watching. With this posting I swear I will quit Ugly Betty right now and go back to my original plan for my summer break.
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