Thursday, August 6, 2009

comps reading excerpt - Meaning in Method: The Rhetoric of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

1.Quantitative methods express the assumptions of a positivist paradigm which holds that behavior can be explained through objective facts. Design and instrumentation persuade by showing how bias and error are eliminated.

2.Qualitative methods express the assumptions of a phenomenological paradigm that there are multiple realities that are socially defined. Rich description persuades by showing that researcher was immersed in the setting and giving the reader enough detail to “make sense” of the situation.

3.Purists see there is a logical relationship between paradigm and methods; pragmatists see a more instrumental relationship between paradigm and methods.

4.relationship between method-type and paradigm

5.Difference between quantitative and qualitative methods in four analysis:
(1)Assumptions about the world: objective reality vs. socially constructed realities
(2)(research) purpose: explain causes of changes in social facts vs. understanding social phenomenon
(3)(research) approach: experimental or correlational design vs. ethnography
(4)Researcher role: detached vs. immersed

6.Two studies compared (quantitative vs. qualitative):
(1)overall conclusion: both of them provide complementary info to the readers
(2)Persuasion: by de-emphasizing individual judgment and stressing the use of established procedures vs. providing sufficient detailed depictions to show researchers’ conclusion “make sense”
a.variables versus actions
b.hydraulic determinism versus limits and opportunities
c.randomness and error versus choice
(4)Complementarity: When focused on the same issue, qualitative and quantitative studies can triangulate. Where studies using different methods have similar results, one can be more certain that the findings are not influenced by the methodology. Where the results diverge more research is needed; but comparison of studies can often suggest important lines of inquiry to pursue.

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