Coming back from Whistler, I think my holidays, as the title suggests, are literally over, and the Whistler trip seemed to be the perfect ending for my holidays. Not just holidays for between-semesters, Christmas, and New Years, but the holidays for my graduate studies. Technically I was totally done with my graduate studies, therefore I will not have between-semester holidays anymore. A little sense of loss, with some sense of achievement. I know, a awkward combination...
From tomorrow, I'm going to have training sessions at the Taiwanese restaurant for five days in a raw. I don't know if or not it will wear me out. Hopefully not. I hope I can make it and earn this job.
With the completion of my graduate studies and holidays, a lot of tasks need to be done: post-graduation work permit, booking a plane ticket, UBC research project, Mr. Sub part-time job, and of course, a couple of weekly activities I initially involve. I know these schedules seem to make me busy, yet with the busy schedule people more or less come up with more efficient ways of doing things. Somehow you know you cannot idle around or serve the internet for no reason, because you cannot afford that luxury. It's a process of learning, and I hope I can learn to be more self-disciplined.
So, 5 to 11pm, and I'm going to sleep now. Hopefully I can fall asleep quickly and with the utmost spirit to start my tomorrow.