Monday, August 24, 2009

using google site to build up my website for resume

This is it: Gaze Upon Ying-Chu Liao (Angela Liao). Still under construction. Don't know when to finish, what to include, and how to build. Everything to me is still in the phase of exploration, though I used to use google site creating my learning object.

When it comes to why to build this website, what I have is nothing but maybe merely a vague attempt that I want to include all my relevant experiences and qualifications and accomplishments to win some offer from some employers. To some extent, I think the attempt itself is crystal clear. The purpose is self-explanatory enough to understand.

What is tricky is that what job I want to seek when becoming the job-seeker. All too often I have been bombarded with this hard-to-answer question, and all too often my answer is "as long as there is an employer who can offer me the opportunity". Such answer is practical, yet it is impractical as well, for it would be difficult to find a job you really want if one doesn't know what he or she wants to do. As I'm not clear about what job I will be looking forward to after graduation, I cannot set a specific direction for my resume website. Without the direction, I think what I do now is merely to repeat what I present in my paper-based resume, in a more detailed manner. However, I know that mere repetition wouldn't do me good for my job-hunting. From the resume I must show something more than paper resume and relevant to the job I will be seeking then.

That to clarify the direction really matters.

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